Monday, August 19, 2024


 China's mythification of being a "Superpower" was authored in the United States some two decades ago arising from strategic considerations of   its then "China Policy'. In 2024, unfolding geopolitical and geoeconomic developments have perceptionally robbed China of that much aspired 'honorific'.

Contextual observations on the myth of 'China as a Superpower' were made as far back as 2015 in my Book: "China-India Military Confrontation; 21st Century Perspectives".

Some pertinent observations made then and germane to the discussion in this Paper are reproduced and discussed below.

"Of course, there is no global mechanism that can afford the deferential status of Superpower but for the writings and utterances of officialdom in the United States. This should cease because China in the classical interpretation of the term 'Superpower' has none of the attributes that are attendant on it."

China in 2024, may have an outsized military machine and nuclear weapons armory, but it lacks two important ingredients of a Superpower, and that are global force-projection & military reach and geopolitical weightage to shape the global and regional environment, positively.

Addedly, follow-up pertinent excerpts from my Book adding context to the discussion are reproduced below.

"Geopolitical seismic changes as the one China seems to be generating in the 21st Century have created in its wake new strategic 'fault-lines', new political alignments and re-alignments and which are visible in 2015."

 "Going by historical lessons, also attendant in such strategic challenges by a 'revisionist power' rise two other realities of the coalescing of lesser powers around the power that is being challenged, as opposed to the 'revisionist power' and also the propensity of the 'revisionist power' boxing much above its true strategic weight. This factor leads to unintended strategic consequences."

China, unlike Former Soviet Union as the then contending Superpower of the United States has been unable to forge the equivalent of a Warsaw Pact Bloc of Communist countries alliance straddling Central Europe, which endowed Soviet Union geopolitical and geostrategic weight to earn the sobriquet of a Superpower.

China in 2024, with the exception of North Korea and Pakistan, has no line-up of 'Natural Allies' like US-led NATO or the interwoven US-led bilateral and multilateral security groupings in the Indo Pacific.

China does not 'straddle' IndoPacific. It not only has to contend with the United States but also to contend with two 'Major Contending Asian Powers', namely India and Japan. Both India and Japan have contentious boundary disputes with China.

The current crystalizing Russia-China Axis post-Ukraine has limitations when competing Russian and Chinese narratives surface in Central Asia and even in Iran.

China's political and military influence is felt and more acutely confined to its peripheries in Indo Pacific with remote sensing in Europe.

In terms of military and combat effectiveness, Russia draws a legacy inheritance from some of the bitterest fighting of World War II against blitzkrieg German military operations deep on Russian soil and the Soviet Army's later advances to Berlin.

Chinese Armed Forces have no comparable war and battle-hardened experiences except for the Korean War of early 1950s where Chinese 'Mass-Force' operations having over-run South Korea up to its Southern tip of Pusan were 'rolled-back' across the Yalu River in North Korea by US General MacArthur's application of modernized military machine. 

Chinese military power stood checkmated notably as far back as 1979 by Vietnam and effectively since 2020 by India along its Himalayan Borders with China Occupied Tibet.

Admittedly, China has at its command in 2024 massive conventional and nuclear weapons military machine. But China's much' mythicized ' Superpower military machine has not been battle-tested in prolonged modernized military operations like the ongoing Russo-Ukraine War.

Doubts on the Chinese military machine military effectiveness, the mainstay of China's mush aspired Superpower status, also arise from the deleterious effects of wholesale purges in its military hierarchy by incumbent President Xi Jinping. That it does have an impact is not debatable.  

Geopolitically, in 2024, China has by its self-inflicted aggressive impulses on its peripheries pushed itself into a corner. Indo Pacific as a virtual whole is deeply polarized against China. The resonance of this geopolitical cornering of China now extends all the way to Europe and NATO.

Geoeconomically, the very economic resurgence of China into double-digit growth and which financed its Hitlerian outsized military arsenal has now whittled down to single digits of 4-5% growth rates. Can China sustain this military machine and for how long?

China's economic superpower predominance in manufacturing and semi-conductors which prevailed for decades in American strategic calculations is now 'moth-eaten' by flight of foreign capital and increasing trade-barriers against China's lop-sided export trade surpluses.

The disintegration of the Former Soviet Union as United States 'Contending' Superpower' was brought about by US Reaganisque dual policies of inflicting an arms race on the Soviet Union with a consequent stagnant economic decline.

China may have learnt all the lessons from the disintegration of the Former Soviet Union but as the policies underway in 2024 of China's President Xi Jinping indicate that the lessons learnt are now being "unlearnt"

Concluding, it is incumbent upon the United States which beatified China with the mythicized hallowed term of being a 'Superpower', to now revise such an assessment.

 China at best, in my assessment. is just another Major Power with an outsized military arsenal which has generated an arms race not only with the United States but also in Indo Pacific. The disintegration of Former Soviet Union due to arms race impact, is a grim pointer. 


Monday, August 12, 2024


Global geopolitical dynamics and adversarial configurations affecting national security interests of United States and India in 2024, presage, that in the second decade of the 21st Century, the strategic interdependence of the United States and India, would transcend the Indo Pacific security template, even more markedly.

The 'China Threat' would continue to be the most potent and dangerous threat to both United States and India in the Indo Pacific security context.

The above assessment is a logical conclusion that arises from the adversarial trajectory that China has adopted towards the United States and India, which shows no signs of restraint, or reversal.

China on the contrary has moved to further reinforce the adversarial equations with the United States and India. China has forged the Russia-China Axis to counterbalance the United States. To offset India, China forged the China-Pakistan Axis, besides attempting to dilute Russia-India relations.

China has gridlocked itself in confrontation with the United States not only in Indo Pacific, but that hostility manifests itself, directly and by proxy, in the Middle East, East Mediterranean, South America, and the Oceanic Island States of the Southern Pacific.

In 2024, even Europe and NATO have not escaped the tremors of the unfolding and expanding China Threat transcending Indo Pacific confines.

China is locked with India in an intense military confrontation on the over 3,000 km length of India's Himalayan Borders with China Occupied Tibet. It is no longer a boundary dispute but has now accentuated geopolitical dimensions.

Reflected in my Book; 'China-India Military Confrontation: 21st Century Perspectives' in 2015 was "The unfolding China-India geopolitical rivalry in the 21st Century, notably, is underwritten by and accentuated by the mid-20th Century, China-India military confrontation whose seeds were sown by the forcible military occupation of Tibet by China."

Taking all of the above factors, and adding, China's strategic forays impinging on US security interests across the globe, and Chinese attempts to stamp on Indian security and influence interests in its neighborhood, the stage seems to be set for the United States and India to mould and integrate their 'Strategic Interdependence' in more substantive contours.

Pertinent, therefore, is the need to spell out briefly, the geopolitical, military and economic interdependencies of the United States and India.

Geopolitical interdependence between United States and India was recognized by United States and India, at the turn of the Millennium when the US-India Strategic Partnership was initially signed.

These geopolitical imperatives have multiplied in the last two decades as the China Threat magnified and the United States dispensed with its strategic ambiguities on China and the China-Pakistan Axis recognizing the futility of molding China to be a responsible stakeholder in global affairs.

In 2024, India figures high in United States global geopolitical perspectives, and vice-versa, too. This has led to both the United States and India elevating their Strategic Partnership to a 'Comprehensive Global Strategic Partnership'.

Militarily, the United States and India, having well-recognized their strategic interdependence have in place today institutionalized and integrated security mechanisms like BESA, LEMOA and COMCASA, which both in peace and moreso, in times of operational emergencies would enable effective military responses.

Miliary professionals can decode how the United States security architecture in Western Pacific and India's military deployments on China Occupied Tibet Borders and Indian Navy's predominance in Indian Ocean contribute to both Nations' interdependence.

India is well-poised to emerge as the 'Third Largest Economy ' in the world, with United States at 'Number One'. India's economic rise has arisen to this high point with infusion of FDI from the United States and its Allies, arising from the strengthening of the US-India Strategic Partnership.

In tandem, with India's current political fast-track measures on 'Manufacturing' and 'Semi-Conductors' being priority aims, the United States dependence on China in these two vital fields would be strategically reduced. US and Western major business interests are relocating to India from China.

The 'Strategic Interdependence' template of United States and India having been laid out, a crucial question that begs an answer would be the longevity of this 'Strategic Interdependence'. 

In my assessment, 'Strategic Interdependence' is unlike to reduce or be devalued, simply for the reason, that even with the possibility of 'China Threat' becoming non-existent, the unfolding geopolitical and geoeconomic factors would continue to sustain the bonds of the Global Stategic Partnership between the two countries.    

Concluding, it needs to be emphasized that that both the United States and India should endeavor to respect each other's strategic sensitivities on vital global and regional issues.

 Here, the call is much higher on the United States which at times lets political expediencies offering short-term tactical gains predominate the long-term perspectives of this vital 'Strategic Interdependence 'between the United States and India.



Monday, August 5, 2024


Contextually, the seismic events of Iran's unprecedented crossing 'Red Lines' by a 'Direct Attack' on Israel (read my Analysis of April 2024) and Israel liquidating Iranian Proxy Militia leaders of Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon, have raised the stakes for the contending global powers in the inflammable Middle East.

The prospects of an Israel-Iran War are real. moreso, because Hamas political head Ismael Haniyeh was liquidated by Israel right in the heart of Iranian capital, Teheran. Iran's potent Proxy Armed Militias top leadership, Hamas in Gaza, and Hezbollah in Lebanon have been struck by fatal blows from Israel.

These two seismic events bring more proactively into play the ongoing simmering power-play in the Middle East between the United States confronted by Russia and China making strategic forays in the Region.

United States, under any political dispensation, is strongly committed to security and existence of Israel, as a Nation State, against threats from any quarter. Israel is assisted by United States with billions of dollars in military aid and hardware.

Iran's avowed aim is to destroy Israel, even more patently obsessive, than other Muslim Nations.

Russia and China have not publicly committed on protecting Iran against security threats emanating from Israel and United States.

China has already in existence a 25-Year Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement with Iran. Russia is reported to be in the final stages of concluding a similar Agreement with Iran.

 Rusia was the initial military supplier to Iran but then China overtook Russia, with China not only assisting Iran with nuclear weapons technology, but also facilitated North Korean IRBM technology for Iran. 

In terms of perspectives, the United States with reduced dependencies on Middle East oil from about8% to 14, is now focused solely on security of Israel and overall regional security.

Russia and China's perspectives on Middle East are colored by the reality of using the Middle East as a "Strategic Pressure-Point" against the United States, to divert United States strategic attention from their military misadventures in Ukraine and in South China Sea. 

While Russia's counter-strategic pressure point of Middle East is more or less post-Ukraine development, China has long played this card in the Middle East against the United States.

Long observed by me has been China's propensity to play the 'Iranian Card' against the United States, whenever the United States tightens the screws against China on Taiwan or in the larger Indo Pacific.

In the final analysis, in terms of an all-out Iran-Israel War, while United States and NATO are likely to use their air power and naval deployments to limit Iranian missiles and drone strikes against Israel, as they did in April 2024, it is unlikely that China or Russia could do likewise.

However, Russia and China, can be surely expected to sustain Iranian war-waging capacity against Israel by supplies of missiles, arms and ammunition.

In the scenario of an Iran-Isael War, borrowing a leaf from the 1980s Iran-Iraq War, such a war could be of long duration, simply because in absence of geographical contiguity with Israel, Iran would have to restrict its war to missiles & drones' warfare, which Iran has plenty in terms of indigenous production.

Such a War in the Middle East would keep the United States "Strategically Distracted" from the Indo Pacific, wherein China resides as the 'Prime Threat' to United States national security interests and influence.

The United States paid a heavy price during the period the period 2001-10, when US 'Strategic Distractions' in Iraq and Afghanistan, enabled China to implement its RMA plans for Armed Forces, to create a Blue Water Navy and establish control over South China Sea,

Since then, China has assumed more belligerent postures in IndoPacific in relation to Taiwan, South China Sea and lately against the Philippines.

Since then, the Russia-China Axis has concretized in more integrated forms following Russian Invasion of Ukraine and China's sustenance of the Russian Invasion with military and logistic support.

The Russia-China Axis lately is more visible in Western Pacific with Russia-China Joint Naval Exercises and Joint Combat Air Patrols in the Northwest Qadrant of Indo Pacific.

Notably, Russia-China Joint Air Patrols have indulged in provocative air-maneuvers in proximity of US territory of Alaska.

The Indo Pacific thus emerges seriously impacted by the geopolitical and strategic inter-linkages that Middle East explosive volatility have on Indo Pacific security.

 Learning the bitter lessons from the 'Strategic Distraction "of 2002-10, which China exploited to its military advantage, it is hoped that the United States would this time ensure that no "Strategic Voids" are created in the Indo Pacific as a result of its strategic focus on the explosive Middle East.


Sunday, July 28, 2024


Perceptibly, Peoples Republic of China can be estimated to have struck a 'Declining Trajectory' under twelve years of ruthless iron rule of incumbent President Xi Jinping who fancies himself as Mao-Tse Tung 2.0.

Xi Jinping has been President of Communist China since 2013. Prior to that he was Secretary of Chinese Communist Party since 2012.  He also has been Vice President of China 2008-13.

In the first few years of his rule President Xi Jinping captured China's all three levers of power, namely, President of China, Secretary Chinese Communist Party and Chairman, Central Military Commission.

In the process, President Xi Jinping ruthlessly deposed /eliminated all opposition to him in the higher ranks of the Party, bureaucracy, and more notably, Generals in the Peoples Liberation Army.

China was at its peak in terms of geopolitical stature, economic strength and military power when President Xi Jinping assumed power in Beijing in 2013.

China's ascendant power trajectory was a heady mix of United States geopolitical permissiveness, massive flow of FDI from United States and China's creation of a 'Blue Water Navy in the years preceding 2013 due to American strategic distractions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In 2013, with President Xi Jinping in power in Beijing, China switched from 'Soft Power' strategies to exercise of 'Hard Power', military brinkmanship and aggression from South China Sea to the Himalayan Heights of India's Northern Borders with China Occupied Tibet.

In the pursuance of his 'Great China Dream' and fancying himself as true inheritor of Mao Tse Tung, President Xi Jinping adopted a reckless geopolitical course of flexing military muscle on China's peripheries and thereby raising widespread strategic concern of a China Threat with Hitlerian impulses.

In 2024, major indicators of China's power profile lead towards a predictable estimate of 'Declining Trajectory' which with China's widening 'Strategic Vulnerabilities' may get more pronounced as years unfold.

As a matter of fact, in my earlier writings with South Analysis Group, since around 2015 or so, I have been emphasizing that China has glaring 'Strategic Vulnerabilities' which offer a window of opportunity to both United States and India. to exploit.

Briefly outlined below, is a focus on China's glaring 'Strategic Vulnerabilities' which are prompting world capitals to revise the American propagated 'Myth' that China is a Superpower, done more to squeeze funds for defense budget from US Congress.

Geopolitically, China in 2024, under President Xi Jinping has lost its geopolitical Lustre. With Russia-China Axis solidifying, China's 'geopolitical asset value' to United States and West, has virtually diminished.

Geopolitically, China today, can be estimated to be diplomatically isolated in Indo Pacific width deep polarization, heavily weighted against it.

Economically, under President Xi Jinping China has taken a virtual nose-dive. From double-digit annual growth rates hovering around 12.5 %, the growth rates have dropped to about 6 %.

China's major economic strength of global domination in 'Manufactures Strength' today stands whittled down with US & Western capital outflows to Vietnam and India.

China's housing sector is in a state of collapse with a million dwelling units lying unsold and infrastructure giants collapsing. It has a cascading effect on Chinese economy.

China's Provinces are heavily in debt forcing diversion of Central Budget to bail them out.

Reports suggest that there is widespread domestic unrest brewing which is being brutally suppressed.

Economically, China may have been an Economic Superpower, but that story is now past. Its trillion dollars economy is besieged with 'trillions of economic vulnerabilities'.

Undoubtedly, China has a massive military machine backed by Nuclear Weapons and ICBMs. China's military power stands concentrated in Occupied Tibet and Coastal Provinces on Pacific littoral.

In 2024, China's virtual military hegemony stands challenged by the military rise of India and Japan as 'contending Asian Powers' and both having territorial disputes with China.

In 2924, China has been stared back even by the Philippines in its South China sea disputes

The overall 'Balance of Power' against China in Indo Pacific is heavily weighted against it, by US-led security architecture resting on bilateral security alliances and multilateral security groupings like QUAD, SQUAD, AUKUS and the many Trilaterals with US of Western Pacific nations.

Importantly, China's Armed Forces despite their manpower dominance and technical advancements have never been tried and tested in combat.

Military purges and liquidations of Chinese military hierarchy including rent case of the Defense Minister by President Xi Jinping suggest both a backlash against Chinese President's imperial hold and dissension within ranks of Armed Forces.

Moving to the more unquantifiable element of 'National Cohesion' it can be asserted that the above discussed factors coupled with restiveness in China's outlying Western Frontiers of Occupied Sinkiang and Occupied Tibet, China has a fistful of Internal Security challenges. No wonder that the budget for Chinese Armed Police tasked for internal suppression, some say, outstrips that of the Chinese Army.

Concluding, the following major observations sustain the prediction that China is plunging into a 'Declining Trajectory' under the 12 -year iron rule of President Xi Jinping: 

  • China's geopolitical weightage has considerably whittled down. China is no longer viewed in world capitals as a responsible stakeholder in upholding regional and global peace and stability.
  • China's long-vaunted economic strengths stand greatly diminished by China's trillions of economic problems discussed above and rise of India's manufacturing strengths.
  • Militarily, the Balance of Power' is heavily weighted against China by two successive US Presidents 'Hard Line' policies on China, crafting a host of security groupings to combat the unfolding China Threat.
  • Military rise of India and Japan and their contributions to building military capacity of Western Pacific nations is a serious challenge to China's unquestioned military dominance so afar.
  • China's military budget cannot escape cuts due to China's slow- down of economy.
 China's 'Strategic Vulnerabilities' can be expected to grow as any 'Reverse Gears' by President Xi Jinping are predictably unthinkable.

Predictably, the other monolith Communist Power that is Former Soviet Union disintegrated under weight of economic vulnerabilities, domestic discontent and ethnic restiveness in 1991 after 72 years of Communist rule, Can Communist China with glaring 'Strategic Vulnerabilities' last longer?

History provides no evidence of 'Totalitarian States' lasting for a Century or beyond. Can Communist China emerge to the contrary? 


Wednesday, July 24, 2024


United States can ill-afford transactional strategic relationships demanding "Protection Money" for US security guarantees to its long- standing military alliances or implied assurances to its valued strategic partners like India.

This issue cropped up recently when in the ongoing US Presidential campaign, the Republican candidate, Former US President Trump seeking re-election, warned Taiwan that if it wants United States to protect it against China, then Taiwan must pay for it.

The United States must guard against such rhetoric as it endangers United States recognized status as guarantor of global security. 

The above not only shakes strategic trust and confidence in US Allies of long standing and time-tested Alliances but also sows doubts in Nations in process of evolving credible strategic partnerships with the United States.

Lying at the core of this issue is the simple question and that is whether US Allies need 'security alliances' with the United States "more", than the other way around?

The answer too is simple. In today's unpredictable and uncharted geopolitical scenarios when the Russia-China Axis is solidifying and drawing more adherents to its side, the United States can ill-afford to loosen or shake its 'Security Alliances' by its Presidential contenders' intention to call for 'Protection Money' for security provided.

The United States should not unlearn the bitter lessons of its 'Transactional Strategic Relationships' record. Pakistan is the prime example. Pouring in billions in military aid to Pakistan in transactional strategies failed to secure Pakistan as a 'trusted Ally' of the United States. Pakistan today lies squarely with China which is the United States prime threat and enemy.

Security of Homeland United States rests critically on United States security relationships with NATO in terms of European security against the Russian Threat and on its spider-web of bilateral Mutual Security Treaties in Western Pacific against the China Threat with Japan, South Korea, Philippines and Taiwan.

Admittedly, the point is well taken that the United States economically cannot shoulder the burden of stationing US Forces in thousands in Forward Military Presence in Jaan and South Korea or elsewhere. Japan and South Korea as economically vibrant nations pay for hosting US Forces on their soil. The quantum of Host Nations shouldering the financial burden is mutually negotiated out of glare of publicity.

However, to make outlandish statements demanding 'Protection Money' from Philippines or Taiwan even in the heat of election campaign rhetoric is demeaning for United States stature as the global predominant Power.

Concluding, it needs to be stressed that if the United States intends to retain its decades-old global strategic predominance and secure Homeland USA, its top-most priority needs to be to "Nurture" its Strategic Alliances/ Partners and not demand "Protection Money' so that the element of 'Strategic Distrust' does not creep-in and dilute these strategic relationships.

The United States needs NATO solidarity and Western Pacific US Allies solidarity more than ever before.