Indo Pacific Security in 2021 geopolitical context and perspectives likely to unfold in decades beyond dictate that it is an inescapable imperative for United States and its QUAD strategic partners to ensure that Taiwan continues as an independent Nation.
Taiwan's independence was compromised by the Nixon Adminstration in early 1970s under influence of his National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger.
In a political outreach smacking of abject appeasement of Communist China to normalise relations with the United States the Nixon Adminstration conceded China's demand that United States make a policy declaration of "One China Two Systems".
Implicitly, the United States had conceded that China's sovereignty extended to Taiwan though Taiwan had a different political system.
In 2021, Communist China is not the Communist China of 1972 which was determined to play the China Card with the United States in order to square off against the Former USSR with which it had adversarial relations.
Despite US Adminstrations after President Nixon adhered to 'One China Policy' repetitively even after Communist Chinese succeeding Beijing Regimes switched to adoption of 'Hard Power' strategies directed at undermining US National Security interests in Indo Pacific and those of US Alies and strategic partners.
Objectively theefore, with Communist China ceasing to be a 'Responsible Stakeholder' in Indo Pacific Security and global security , a strong case exists for United States to dispense with the premises that prompted it to give-in to Communist China's demands on Taiwan's status.
In 2021, Communist China has emerged as a "Serious & Potent Threat" to Indo Pacific Security and intent on imposing a hegemonistic 'Chinese Order' over Indo Pacific Region going by its demonstrated aggressive brinkmanship of the last decade.
The United States now has to urgently repudiate its 1972 policy declaration and assert that "Taiwan ia an Independent Nation" and that Taiwan's independence will be secured by international guarantees.
Major Powers of Indo Pacific seem to be already moving in this direction as evidenced by the recent Taiwan-Japan Dialogue.
Taiwan always figured in US military calculations as United States "Unsinkable Aircraft Carrier" in the Western Pacific. This truism is even far more significant in 2021 when China is provokingly using military coercion and intimidation by sizeable threatening intrusions in Taiwanese airspace.
Should China miscalculate United States determination on Taiwan and Taiwan is taken over by Chinese military intervention then the United States might as well exit from the Western Pacific.
United States making a military exit from Western Pacific consequent to China's take over of Taiwan would mark the final nail in the coffin of a 'Decline of United States as a Global Power'.
Would the Major Powers of the Indo Pacific and Nations partnering them countenance the eventuality of a United States exit from the Western Pacificand Indo Pacific as a whole?
Asian capitals when faced with a stark choice of supporting United States moves to assert 'Taiwan as an Independent Nation' or the prsospects of a China Hegemonistic Order' in Indo Pacific would undoubtedly support the United States.
China's retaliations in response to the Free World supporting Taiwan'sindependence by military intervention will have to be resolutely met in the manner that the US&Allies militarily confronted Hitler's Germany after 1939.