Thursday, April 21, 2022


Japan's  volatile and unpredictable hostile security environment in 2022 with China, North Korea and Russia as adversarial nuclear powers creates inescapable security imperatives to acquire a fast-track acquisition of Nuclear Weapons Arsenal. Contextually, Japan's imperatives in 2022 outweigh the imperatives when I first advocated this imperative in 2002 and thereafter in my writings. 

Japan's imperatives to urgently acquire a Nuclear Weapons Arsenal becomes critical when viewed from the perspectives of Japan's security impacted by Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine with active but covert support of China. 

The emergence of Russia-China Axis was a foregone conclusion and this unholy Axis of  self-willed two Communist Dictators  with powerful military might and nuclear weapons arsenal coupled with their propensity to impose their will in their neighbour-hoods should be an eye-opener for Japanese leaders, Japanese policy establishment and the Japanese people.

When to the Russia-China Axis  Nuclear Weapons Arsenal is added the Nuclear Arsenal of theirs protege 'Rogue State' of North Korea, Japan should awaken to the nightmare of being cowed into submission by "Nuclear Blackmail" by Russia, China and North Korea. 

Japan's security is as it is plagued by territorial disputes with both Russia and China on its Northern and Southern extremities. North Korean missiles test firings overflying Japan is ample indicator of North Korean intentions.

Japan so far for decades has been relying on the US 'Nuclear Umbrella" for its security against nuclear threat from China and Russia. But as events in Ukraine's invasion by Russia and United States and NATO's timidity have amply indicated that Japan can no longer solely rely on United States for its security against nuclear threats by Russia, China and North Korea.

The United States should contextually welcome and encourage Japan acquiring a Nuclear Weapons Arsenal to redress the the Nuclear Weapons Arsenals in the Indo Pacific.

Concluding, as I well know from the 1980's when I was on a diplomatic assignment, Japan  was only a 'Screw Driver Turn"away in terms of developing Nuclear Weapons. In 2022, threatening nuclear blackmail by Russia, China and North Korea, place a higher call on Japanese Nation to shed its inhibitions and secure its future by developing a Nuclear Weapons Arsenal.

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