Chinese President Xi Jinping having ruthlessly ensured an unprecedented third term as President of China with absolute control over the Communist Party apparatus and the PLA military machine portends enhanced aggressiveness for Indo Pacific which abounds in China-generated flashpoints.
President Xi Jinping's signature tune in his earlier two Presidencies was adding incendiary contours to China's military aggressiveness and brinkmanship on all of China's peripheries extending from India's Himalayan Frontiers with China Occupied Tibet to the maritime domains of the Western Pacific, notably South China Sea.
President Xi Jinping's ascendancy to power in Beijing in 2012 was significantly marked by China's switch from 'Soft Power' policies to exercise of 'Hard Power' political and military intimidation of its Indo Pacific neighbors.
China's aggressiveness under President Xi was not limited to its Indo Pacific neighbors but also extended to 'challenge' United States supremacy in Western Pacific. China's establishment of 'Full Spectrum' dominance over the South China Sea under President Xi was only belatedly challenged by United States President Trump and thereafter.
In my assessment, Chinese President fortified by Chinese PLA massed military and naval power and emboldened by United States strategic distraction to Europe over Russia's invasion of Ukraine could be tempted to flex his military muscles on its Indo Pacific peripheries.
China's enhanced aggressiveness during President Xi's third term on its peripheries is also likely to be generated by domestic compulsions of diverting growing political and economic discontent by whipping up Chinese Nationalism.
Concluding, China's enhanced aggressiveness in Indo Pacific assessed as likely during President Xi Jinping's third term because of contextual factors needs to be checkmated by "Enhanced Security Content" of QUAD and forging a US-Japan-South Korea Trilateral. Indo Pacific nations included ASEAN cannot afford to be divided on the China Threat.