Conspicuously standing out in 2024 is Communist China's disruptive strategies spanning Europe, Middle East and Indo Pacific. The picture emerges more sinister when in its diabolical strategies, China has now prevailed over Russia to join its disruptive strategies due Russian strategic compulsions post-Ukraine War.
China has thus far managed to continue unimpeded in destabilizing all these strategically vital regions largely due to political permissiveness of United States and Europe.
United States adopted misperceived and ill-advised strategies on China clouded by its obsession to play the China Card against Russia. Lucrative China markets for US hi-tech business giants was an irresistible attraction.
Major European countries--France, UK, and Germany specially crafted their permissive policies on China solely determined by the vast Chuna market.
In 2024, it has finally dawned on United States, Europe and Indo Pacific Powers that China was not a 'benign power' which could contribute to global and regional stability. China is now perceived as a 'disruptive power' duplicitously intent on undermining the security interests of United States, NATO and US Allies/Strategic Partners.
In 2024, when China and the Russia-China Axis, rightly now to be read as China-Russia Axis figures as topmost threat perception amongst all these Powers the vexing challenge is as to how 'short of war' can the China Threat be neutralized.
United States, Europe, and Indo Pacific Powers now need to impose heavy costs on Communist China where it hurts China the most.
Communist China must be denied access to all the markets in United States, Europe. Japan, India and Australia. China's unrestricted access to 'Free World's' markets not only made China's economic boom but also provided vast funds for China's exponential expansion of its armed forces and its aggression.
China needs to be denied access to 'Advanced & High Technologies' of United States and the West. Chinese industrial espionage should be swiftly and heavily punished.
China needs to be 'diplomatically isolated' at all international forums. United States should set an example in this direction by not even giving the faintest semblance of China Appeasement, China Hedging and Risk Aversion.
China's genocide in Occupied Tibet and Occupied Sinkiang should now be vocally pursued in world's capitals to show up the 'Darker Deeds' of China against Occupied Territories. United States has done well to pass a Congressional Bill on Tibet's self-determination.
Only the barest of diplomatic protocol be maintained with China. This applies pointedly to India also where Indian trade with China is heavily lopsided in favor of China.
The shortest way to end the Ukraine War in which China is heavily involved in "Sustaining & Prolonging" Russia's Invasion of Ukraine by arms, military equipment and buying Russian oil, is to impose "Heavy Costs" on China's involvement.
Russia without Chinese war-waging sustenance would end up with inability to wage war in Ukraine and lead possibly to an unconditional Russian exit from Ukraine.
United States and its Allies, if they execute the strategy of imposing heavy costs on China could profitably end up with killing two birds with one stone.
Rusia enfeebled, would be no strategic asset for China in Indo Pacific and China faced with a 'United Response and Determination' to impose heavy costs on China for its strategic delinquencies would be deterred from its predatory designs on its peripheries and South China Sea in IndoPacific.
Finally, would economic costs that would be inflicted on China be effective and work? They would work as China's economy is now sluggish, US & Western businesses are relocating from China and Foreign Direct Investment in China is drying up. In its wake, a domestic upheaval could be in the offing.