In yet another momentous strategic step by United States, China will be checkmated by the long-awaited United States-Japan-South Korea Trilateral synthesizing joint military capabilities to be superimposed on the existing Indo Pacific Security Template led by the United States.
So far for last 70 years, while the United States had Bilateral Mutual Security Treaties separately with Japan and South Korea and had 30,000 to 40,000 US Troops as Forward Military Presence each in both these Nations in Northwest Pacific Quadrant on China's doorsteps, what was strategically and sorely missed was an integrated US-Japan-South Korea Trilateral as an effective phalanx against the China Threat.
China until recently had studiously carried on a systematic campaign and had succeeded to keep South Korea distant from Japan preying on historical wrongs that South Korea perceived on Japan's colonial rule over South Korea from 1910-1945.
With the advent of South Korea President Yoon in office and realistically responding to the intensifying China Threat to regional security coupled with growing belligerence of China's nuclear proxy on the Korean Penisula--North Korea, President Yoon of South Korea realized the imperatives of forging a US-Japan-South Korea Trilateral to increase greater military cooperation trilaterally in the interests of regional security.
Thereafter followed numerous rounds of dialogues between the three Nations to evolve plans and mechanisms for greater pooling of security cooperation, and the forthcoming Trilateral Summit in Washington on August 18, 2023, marks the culmination of this joint Trilateral efforts.
The Washington Summit of United States, Japan and South Korea is highly symbolic for IndoPacific Security in that it will reflect the commitments of United States, Japan and South Korea to forge a united front against China Threat.
This symbolism is not lost on China. For weeks anticipating the evolution of this Trilateral and its consecration at Washington Summit on August 18, 2023, China though its media organ 'Global Times' has assiduously carried editorials, columns & commentaries cautioning Japan and South Korea not to fall into the US trap.
Optically, China through these writings seemed frantically desperate that South Korea should not join the Trilateral saying that why should South Koreans become "cannon-fodder" for the United States.
China is deeply concerned as in military terms it carries dangerous portents in terms of checkmating China's unbridled predatory rampage in Western Pacific.
More to the point, it is my assessment that when President Biden sits down with Japanese PM Kishida and South Korea President Yoon in Washington on August 18, 2023, the hot topic which may not come out in public domain, will be the enlistment of South Korea to supplement US and Japan responses in the event of China's military invasion of Taiwan. Herein comes into play South Krean military might in a well-coordinated Trilateral response to China both against Taiwan and against South Korea through North Korea proxy.
Concluding, having had first-hand experience to see Armed Forces of Japan and South Korea both in training and war-contingency maneuvers, I can vouchsafe to the tremendous military punch that Soth Korea adds to the US-Japan military effort against any Chinese Threat.
The US-Japan-South Korea Trilateral, militarily integrated, by itself, is a strong existential in-location deterrence against China's military adventurism.