Thursday, November 11, 2021


Contextual security environment of Indo Pacific Region and Red  China's pronounced adversarial postures challenging United States supremacy in 2021 render "Invalid" the ill-advised United States China-policy premises of 1972 by then US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to President Nixon.

Geo-politically it may have been tempting for United States in 1972 to balance USSR with Red China as a quasi-strategic ally but in 2021 when Red China and Russia are in a strategic nexus opposing the United States, Nixonian approaches in US China-policy are geopolitically invalid

This needs to be highlighted in November 2021 with the prospects of a 'Virtual' Meet of US President Joe Biden with Red China's President Xi Jinping due anytime soon.

There is a clamor in American strategic community that US President instead of persisting with Trump Administration 'Hard Line' policies on Red China should strive towards "Management of China". Implicit in such advisories is once again the old elements of 'China Hedging' and 'Risk Aversion'.

The United States has in past decades paid a heavy price for such ill-advised premises of US China-policy which emboldened Red China to indulge in disruptive military brinkmanship all across Indo Pacific at the expense of United States image as the undoubted provider of global security and stability.

In 2021 Red China with President Xi Jinping casting himself in mold of Chairman Mao Tse Tung, and apparently aspiring to outshine him, has set Red China on an inevitable clashing trajectory with the United States.

Would any of the proponents of "Management of China" advocacy in the American strategic community amplify or assert that this does not amount to 'Red China Appeasement'? Would these proponents not concede that this sort of advocacy is 'Chamberlainisque" in content and reminiscent of 'Peace at Any Cost' by then UK Premier and which set the stage of World War II?

In 2021, the United States is at an inflexion-point with a highly militaristic and aggressive Red China bent on Hitlerian grandiose blueprint of a glorious 'Great China". Asia is watching whether the United States would stand upto Red Chinese imperialism or wilt under ?

In 2021, clearly two US Presidents in succession have reset American policies to meet the unfolding 'China Threat', and very rightly too.  In tandem,the United States has been pro-actively crafting security mechanisms across Indo Pacific like QUAD and AUKUS, it would be a serious 'breach of faith' with countries like Japan, India and Australia who have joined hands with the United States to checkmate the Red China Threat to peace.

The United States in 2021 can also ill-afford to indulge in ;Management of China' on two different planes of 'Security & Trade Appeasement' of Red China and on a different plane expecting India, Japan & Australia to be sensitive and respond to Red China Threat.

US President Joe Biden and the American policy establishment should be alive to and respect the security sensitivities of members of QUAD and AUKUS as United States prepares its policy positions for the Virtual Meet of US & Red China Presidents.


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