The United States in mid-02020 having finally recognised that China is a serious military threat to the United States and is undermining US National Security interests across the entire expanse of the Indo Pacific landmass and maritime expanses from Japan to Singapore needs also to ask itself a serious question as to what are the underlying strategic and military factors that embolden China to rewrite the established security template put into place by the United States and which is has stood stable and endured for nearly seventy tears.
China admittedly has emerged with a sizeable threatening military machine moreso in the first decade of the 21st Century as the United States was bogged-down in its military interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq. This created a security vacuum in the Western Pacific and coupled with United States 'China Appeasement' policies as an additive China with a cover so provided by US strategic inattentiveness embarked to build a powerful Blue Water Navy which is now rampaging across the Western Pacific Seas and intruding into the Indian Ocean.
In mid-2020, China has intensified its military confrontation and clashes across the length of the nearly 4,000 km long Indian Himalayan Border with China Occupied Tibet.
In my assessment China's expansionist military adventurism arises from the secure feeling that China is only vulnerable militarily to United States military intervention on its Western Pacific littoral. China perceives that its Western Flanks are secure because of its China Occupied Tibet landmass and the Pakistan collaboration on its contiguity with Pakistan territory of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir belonging to India.
China Occupied Tibet has converted the erstwhile Spiritual Kingdom of Tibet into a vast Military Garrison Expanse bristling with massed PLA Army Mechanised Formations. Air Force Bases and Nuclear Weapons and Missiles Complexes.
Chin's military adventurism against India and its strategic forays in Greater South West Asia are facilitated by the vast Military Base it has created on the vast open spaces of the Tibetan Plateau under its illegal military occupation.
The United States needs to recognise that if the United States wishes to strategically tame and downsize China then China needs to be divested of its illegally occupied China Occupied Tibet.
India as the only Major Power with a nearly 4,000 long landmass border with China Occupied Tibet is vitally affected by China Occupied Tibet from where sprouts most of China's military expansionist misadventures against India.
It was with the above in view that I peened my latest Paper entitled "TIBET FREEDOMNEEDS TO BE PIVOTAL THRUST OF INDIAN FOREIGN POLICY 20202" Paper No.6653 of23 July 2020 on SAAG website and further reproduced by Eurasia Review.
Recommended reading for United States policy and national security establishment and Indo Pacific Capitals.
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